October 10, 2012 Honolulu, Oahu

Retail Therapy

Since leaving San Diego, my side of the ship, starboard, hasn’t received the early morning sun – until this morning and here was my view from my bed this morning!

The Coast Guard was out in force as the Westerdam neared the dock. I’m not sure what they could have done though if there had been trouble!

I've often wondered (well not really, only when I’ve looked out a dirty cabin window) how the crew managed to clean the outside windows on the lower decks and as I was leaving the ship this morning I looked back and saw them in action.

With two days in Honolulu I had planned out my stay by hitting the shops today to get snorkelling gear, etc. and then tomorrow I have arranged to get my culture fix.

Before arriving in Honolulu I had been looking up The Bus timetables and routes to get myself around but once outside the dock there were free shuttles to Walmart, Hilo Hatties and Maui Divers Jewellery so there were no issues about getting down to Ala Moana or Waikiki and back.

There were lots of sales going on. I’m a bit confused though as they were the end of summer sales and fall clothes are now in store – sweaters, jackets, etc. I really didn’t think that there was that much of a change in climate in Hawaii to warrant such a change in wardrobe!

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